Our First Machine Learning Project

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What we will learn here

Let's go through a simple ML application & create our first project. Parallely, we will learn some new concepts & terms.

We will use Iris Dataset that contains 4 features/ measurements (petal length, petal width, sepal length, sepal width) of 50 samples of 3 species of Iris flower (Iris setosa, Iris Versicolor, Iris Virginica) = 50×3 = 150 samples in total. This is one of the best known datasets till date. For more details on the dataset, visit UCI Machine Learning Repository - IRIS dataset.

For reference, here are pictures of the three flowers species:

3 species of IRIS flowers

Here is picture showing the 4 measurements made from each flower:

IRIS flower - petal and sepal measurements

Based on these 4 measurements, we can be certain of which species each iris flower belongs to. For a while, we will become hobby botanists trying to classify the flowers into their own species.

Our goal is to build a ML model that learns from the 4 mesurements/ features of the iris flowers whose species is known. Then, using the learned model, we will predict the species of a new iris flower. This type of problem is called as Supervised Learning Multi-Class Classification problem.

First ML model - Notebook

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